Meet Jim...

Meet Jim...

Tap technicians or beertenders in a microbrewery must posses a few important qualities. They must have a  strong knowledge of beer, enjoy tasting and learning about beer, and have excellent customer service skills. And in Ohio, being a Buckeye fan is almost a requirement. Jim has all of the necessary qualities of a fantastic tap technician, except for one. He's not a fan of the Scarlet and Gray.

A Closer Collaboration

A Closer Collaboration

It is considered lucky to have a job that you enjoy, but to enjoy your career and love the people you work with, is kind of like winning the life lottery. Scott Cardwell, co-owner of the Phoenix Brewing Company and his son, Phoenix assistant brewer Ian Cardwell get to do that every day. Most recently, they collaborated on the newest addition to the Phoenix beer portfolio, Firth of Clyde. A nod to their Celtic heritage bringing together 4 generations of Cardwells. They began planning the recipe late summer of 2017 after a customer suggested they should brew a beer together. They both agreed they wanted to brew a Scottish Ale….